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Measurement record broken

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Measurement record broken for the shape of this Thorlab concave spherical mirror R = 300 mm : standard deviation from nominal shape = 4.5nm.

We design and sell high accuracy metrology instruments. We work hard to improve the accuracy of coaxial deflectometry, our patented technology for the absolute measurement of the shape of reflective objects (precision optical parts like telescope mirrors, lenses…). Coaxial deflectometry allows for accurate measurement of all kind of shapes from plane to freeform (also sphere, asphere, cylinder, off axis parabola…). It is simpler, faster, and more cost effective compared with interferometry or CMM. Our instrument has been tested on difficult parts by famous companies equiped with high-end metrology equipement, and has yielded impressive results, faster, simpler, and for a fraction of the price.

If you have challenging parts to measure, get in touch for a free trial!

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