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Raymaster 10 in action

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Check our newest video of the Raymaster 10 in action. Highly automated shape measurement of all kind of reflective surfaces, even freeforms, makes nanometric precision optical metrology accessible to non specialist technicians. This video features the shape measurement of an… Lire la suite »Raymaster 10 in action

Présentation coaxial deflectometry paper Optifab 2023

New paper publication: Coaxial deflectometry: absolute shape measurement with interferometric accuracy

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We recently published this new paper at the occasion of SPIE Optifab in Rochester (NY) mid October 2023 (we exhibited our product and technology and held a conference). The conference room was nearly full. Our presentation raised a strong interest… Lire la suite »New paper publication: Coaxial deflectometry: absolute shape measurement with interferometric accuracy
